Katana, Shirasaya
[ Signature ] omote : "伊予松山住貞範作之" ura : "昭和廿年正月吉祥日"
[ Size ] Blade length 60.8cm (2 shaku 0 sun 0 bu 6 rin), sori 1.5cm (4 bu 9 rin), moto-haba 3.07cm, moto-kasane 0.63cm, saki-haba 2.12 cm, saki-kasane 0.40 cm, mekugi-ana(hole) 1, blade weight 475.5g , shirasaya length 88.5cm |
[ Period ] Shôwa "昭和" 20(1945) |
[ Province ] Ehime prefecture "愛媛県" |
[ Feature ]
Form : Shinogi-zukuri. Iori-mune. Both mihaba and kasane are ordinal. High sori attached. There are some differences between moto-haba and saki-haba. Chû-kissaki form.
Nakago : Ubu. Yasurimes are ô-sujikais and keshô. Saki is kuri-jiri. One hole.
Jigane : Itame-hada well grained. Some changes nagare hada "流れ肌" mixed. Jinie attached.
Hamon : Chô-jis midare. Ashis appeared. Ko-nie attached. Fine kin-sens and sunagashis appeared. Tobi-yakis appeared.
Boushi : It runs in midare-komi. It turns in ko-maru.
[ Highlight ]
In deep nioi appeared chô-ji-midare hamon, ashis appeared so much. Part by part, nie attached. Such gorgeous hamon tempered. Well balance form sword. Sadanori "貞範" was a pupil of Takahashi Sadatsugu "高橋貞次", was a living national treasure. This sword was carried on the book Iyo tô-kô oshigata "伊豫刀工押型 (Konishi Takao "小西孝雄", Okamoto Yoshio "岡本吉雄", Matsumoto Kazutaka "松友和孝" (Heisei 4(1992)).
[ Conditions ]
There a shallow rust part at habaki-moto. Part by part, there are horizontal scratches, however, it is sufficient conditions to preserve and appreciation.
[ Attachments ]
Habaki (suaka-ji, single), shirasaya, bag of shirasaya and NBTHK hozon paper ( issued on 25th Fev. Heisei 31(2019)) |
[ Item number ] A030120 [ Price ] JPY 220,000- -> JPY 190,000- (shipping and insurance fee are not included) PRICE DOWN! |