Wakizashi, Shirasaya |
(Crest "菊紋" ) Bicchû no kami Tachibana Yasuhiro
[ Signature ] omote : "備中守橘康廣" ura : (crest, design of chrysanthemum "菊紋") |
[ Size ] Blade length 44.8cm (1 shaku 4 sun 7 bu 8 rin), sori 1.3cm (4 bu 2 rin), moto-haba 3.06cm, moto-kasane 0.74cm, saki-haba 2.33 cm, saki-kasane 0.55 cm, mekugi-ana(hole) 1, blade weight 494.5g , shirasaya length 67.5cm |
[ Period ] Edo "江戸", middle of |
[ Province ] Settsu "摂津" |
[ Feature ]
Form : Shinogi-zukuri. Iori-mune. Mihaba is wide. Kasane is relatively thick. Saki-haba does not become so narrow. Fort sori attached. Chû-kissaki extended form.
Nakago : Ubu. Yasurimes are ô-suji-kais. Saki is ken-gyô. One hole.
Jigane : Ko-itame-hada well grained. Jinie attached well. Partly ô-hada mixed, such as on shinogi-ji and koshimoto of ura side.
Hamon : It has short sugu shape yakidashi. Ô-gunomes-midare. Yaki-haba is wide. Above nioi, ko-nie attached well. Kin-sens and sunagashis appeared frequently.
Boushi : It runs in sugu. Saki is hakikake form. It turns sharply.
[ Highlight ]
Bicchû-no-kami Tachibana Yasuhiro was a swordsmith of Sekidô school. First genration Yasuhiro "康広" was called Tomita Gorozaemon "富田五郎左衛門", who was a child of Tameyasu "為安". His native province was Ki-i "紀伊". He moved to Settsu "摂津" later. He creaeted the swords in Miyako "京" as well. It considered that he worked actively around Kanbun "寛文" mainly. Second generation worked around Teikyô "貞享" and third generation around Kyôhô "享保". This sword attached saki-zori, which made it powrful form. Nie attached well, and nioikuchi is so clear. In ô-gunome hamon, kin-sens and sunagashis appeared frequently. A bright sword.
[ Conditions ]
There are small scratches at boushi of ura side and on the shinogi-ji, above 2-5cm from hamachi of omote side. However, they do not disturb the appreciation. Remaining parts are excellent conditions.
[ Attachments ]
Habaki (suaka-ji, gold foiled, single), shirasaya, bag of shirasaya and NBTHK Hozon paper (issued on 26th Dec.Heisei 14(2002))
[ Item number ] A050120 [ Price ] SOLD |