Wakizashi, Shirasaya
[ Signature ] omote : "近江守藤原清宣" ura : -
[ Size ] Blade length 39.6cm (1 shaku 3 sun 1 bu 0 rin), sori 1.2cm (4 bu 2 rin), moto-haba 3.17cm, moto-kasane 0.45cm, saki-haba 2.73 cm, saki-kasane 0.29 cm, mekugi-ana(holes) 2, blade weight 347.5g , shirasaya length 56cm |
[ Period ] Edo "江戸", beginnig of. Around Keicho "慶長" |
[ Province ] Mino "美濃" |
[ Feature ]
Form : Naginata-naoshi-zukuri. Iori-mune. Mihaba is relativelu wide. Kasane is ordinal. HIgh shinogi-suji attached. There are few diffrences between moto-haba and saki-haba. O-kissaki form.
Nakago : Ubu. Yasurimes are suji-kais. Saki is iri-yama-gata. One hole.
Jigane : Ko-itame-hada well grained. Jinie attached. Shirake utsuri comes to be appeared on the surface.
Hamon : In shallow notare, gunomes mixed. Ashis appeared. Nie attached well. Kin-sens, sunagashis and yu-bashiri appeared.
Boushi : It runs in shallow midare-komi. Saki shows point form. It turns with haki-kake.
[ Highlight ] Omi no Kami Kiyonobu "近江守清宣" was born into a family of swordsmiths who carried on the family name of Kanenobu "兼宣" from generation to generation as the head of the Tokunaga school "徳永派" of the seven Seki schools. When he received the title of Omi Daijo on March 18, Keicho 16, he changed his name from Kanenobu to Kiyonobu. Soon afterwards he appears to have been appointed Omi no Kami. The Kiyonobu family, one of the leading Seki Kaji families of the early Edo period and the works of Bichu no Kami Kiyonobu 2nd are relatively well known. The third generation worked as a foreman at Seki Kaji without having received a title. The number of examples of first generation Omi no Kami Kiyonobu is considered to be small. This work is powerful due to the combination of the bold hamon blade pattern and the body design of the naginata. Although there is no chronology, it is possible to get an impression of the Momoyama period.
[ Conditions ] It is in good condition and can be appreciated and preserved in its present state.
[ Attachments ] Habaki (silver, single), shirasaya, bag of shirasaya and NBHTK hozon paper "保存刀剣鑑定書"(issued on 19th Feb. Reiwa2 (2020)) |
[ Item number ] A060221 [ Price ] JPY 750,000 (shipping and insurance fee are not included) |