Touken Komachi

Katana, Shirasaya, Koshirae
Bizen no kuni ju Osafune Sukesasda
[ Signature ] omote front : 備前國住長船祐定作 ura back : 永正五年八月吉日 (*‘Ten’ sho 天正 has been falsified as ‘Ei’ sho 永正).
[ Size ] Blade length 72,7cm (2 shaku 3 sun 9 bu 9 rin), sori 2,7cm (8 bu 9 rin), moto-haba 3,00cm, moto-kasane 1,80cm, saki-haba 0,28 cm, saki-kasane 0,28 cm, mekugi-ana(holes) 2, blade weight 655g , shirasaya length 99cm
[ Period ] Late Muromachi period, Tensho 5 (1577).
[ Province ] Bizen

[ Feature ]
Form : Shinogi-zukuri. Iori-mune. Mihaba is wide. Kasane is ordinal. There are some diffrences between moto-haba and saki-haba. Rather sori attached. Chu-kissaki extended form.
Nakago : Ubu. Yasurimes are katte sagari. Saki is kuri-jiri.
Jigane : Itame-hada, moku-me mixed. Rather grained patterns come to be surface.
Hamon : Gunome-midare. Ashi, kin-sen and sunagashi appeared.
Boushi : It shows midare-komi appearance, then, it turns in ko-maru form.

Ishime patterned coated scabbard uchigatana-koshirae: Myoga open work sword guard (iron), Ise lobster design on menuki (suaka-ji copper), millet ears design on fuchi-gashira (shakudo copper, nanako-ji, gold coloured painting).

[ Highlight ] The sword has a characteristic mokume-grain base, with an nie-base gunome-midare even wavy blade pattern and a sturdy blade length of over 2 shaku 5sun. Sukesada was a Bizen swordsmith of the late Muromachi period (1336-1573), and there were many other swordsmiths with the same signature, producing practical swords to meet the demands of the Warring States period. This work uses Edo period fittings and has a good condition sheath made in the present day.

[ Conditions ] Excellent. However, as for the chronological signature, it seems that it was originally inscribed ‘Tensho’, but later ‘Ei’ was added to ‘Ten’ with dots. There is a gap of about 70 years between Eisho and Tensho.

[ Attachments ] Habaki(silver ,single), shirasaya, bag of shirasaya, koshirae, bag of koshirae and NBTHK hozon paper 保存刀剣鑑定書 (issued on 27th Jan. Heisei 24(2012))

[ Item number ] A010125 [ Price ] JPY 1,000,000- (shipping and insurance fee are not included in the price)

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