Touken Komachi

Katana, Shirasaya
Banshu Tegarayama Fujiwara Ujishige
[ Signature ] omote : 播州手柄山藤原氏繁 ura : -
[ Size ]Blade length 66.5 cm (2 shaku 1sun 9 bu 4 rin), curvature 1.2 cm (3 bu 9 rin), base width 2.96 cm, base thickness 0.68 cm, tip width 2.04 cm, tip thickness 0.45 cm, 1 mekugi hole, blade weight 663.5 g, full length shira-saya 95cm.
[ Period ] Mid-Edo period
[ Province ] Harima

[ Feature ]
Form : Shinogi-zukuri, iori-mune, width and thickness normal. Slightly different in width at the base and tip, curved at the tips. The shape of the sword has an elongated medium cutting edge.
Nakago : Raw stem. Rasping is o-suji-kai. The tip of the nakago stem is iri-yama-gata. One mekugi hole.
Jigane : Ko-Itame grain well grained. The jinie attached. Chikei appeared.
Hamon : Notare. Its nioi-kuchi is so deep. Nie attached well.
Boushi : It runs in sugu. Form is ko-maru. Nie attached well.

[ Highlight ] The sword has an extended form with a medium cutting edge, a thick jinie and itame grain skin with a wide range of tempered area, a deep nioi and a well-developed nie, with a relaxed curved blade pattern. Ujishige was a Harima swordsmith, the first being Ujishige Yamato Daijo Fujiwara around the Manji period, who continued under the same name until the sixth generation around the Bunsei period. Ujishige IV created swords in Osaka and Edo (now Tokyo) before becoming a member of the Matsudaira family, the feudal lords of the Oshu Shirakawa clan, who took Tegara-yama as their clan name and changed it to Masashige.

[ Conditions ] Old polishing, slightly worn and flaws, but no rust, and can be preserved and appreciated in its current state.

[ Attachments ] Habaki(suaka-ji, single), shirasaya, bag of shirasaya and NBTHK Tokubetsu hozon paper 特別保存刀剣鑑定書(issued on 24th May Reiwa 3(2021))

[ Item number ] A020125 [ Price ] JPY 750,000- (shipping and insurance fee are not included in the price)

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