Touken Komachi

Kogatana, Shirasaya
Hôki no kami Masayoshi
[ Signature ] signature on blade tô-shin-mei : Hôki-no-kami Taira-no-asson Masayoshi hachi-jyû-nisai tsukuru "伯耆守平朝臣正幸八十二歳造"
[ Size ] Blade length 12,7cm (4 sun 1 bu 9 rin), moto-haba 1,27cm, moto-kasane 0,29cm, , blade weight 20,8g , kogatana length 21,0cm, shirasaya length 23,5cm
[ Period ] Edo, second half of.
[ Province ] Satsuma

[ Feature ]
Ko-tame-hada well grained. Hamon has deep nioi and sugu-tone ko-notare-ba. Boush has a saki in hakikake. It turns in ko-maru.

Hôki no kami Masayoshi was born in Kyô-hô 18(1733). He was a child of second generation IJICHI Masayoshi. He succeeded the third generation. After accredited to Hôki-no-kami, he changed his name to Masayoshi. He was known as the best two of Satsuma shin-shin-tô swordsmith as OKU Motohira of Satsuma clan. He died in his 86 years old in Bunsei "文政" 1(1818)

[ Highlight ] Both mihaba and kasane are sturdy. A little fukura attached. Yasurimes of nakago are gyaku reverse suji-kai.

[ Conditions ] It might be stored in kozuka-fukuro, nakago has a little winding finish. Around signature, there are shallow motely kuchikomi as a whole.

[ Attachments ] Habaki (made of rosewood, single) and shirasaya.

[ Item number ] A021117 [ Price ] JPY 83.000 (shipping and insurance fee are not included)

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