Touken Komachi

Wakizashi, Shirasaya
Harima Daijo Shigetaka
[ Signature ] omote : 播磨大掾藤原重高 ura : 越前住 
[ Size ]Blade length 55.2 cm (1 shaku 8 sun 2 bu 1 rin), sori curvature warp 1.0 cm (3 bu 3 rin), moto-haba base width 2.95 cm, moto-kasane base thcikness 0.71 cm, saki-haba tip width 1.98 cm, saki-kasane tip thickness 0.50 cm, 1 mekugi hole, blade weight 504.5 g, total length of shira-saya 81 cm
[ Period ] Edo, first half of.
[ Province ] Echizen

[ Feature ]
Form : Shinogi-zukuri, iori-mune. Mihaba is ordinal. Kasane is rather thick. Moderate sori attached. Chu-kissaki form.
Nakago : Ubu. Yasurime are katte-sagari. Saki is kuri-jiri. One hole.
Jigane : Itame-hada. Mokume and some changes are mixed. Grained patterns come to be surface. Jinie attached. It has black coulour.
Hamon : Gunome-midare. O-gunome, togari-ba, and blade resembled to the notch of an arrow yahaze shape mixed. Nioikuchi shows calm tone. Part part, nie attached. Yubashiri and sunagashi appeared,
Boushi : With shallow notare, it turns in ko-maru form. Saki has haki-kake shape.

[ Highlight ] Harima Daijo Shigetaka was a student of Echizen Yasutsugu, and is known to have produced a posthumous work in the 6th year of the Genna era. Some say that the same signature was used for the first two generations, or that it continued for several generations. Many Echizen swordsmiths, such as Yasutsugu, had a sword-shaped stem end, while Shigetaka's stem end was a kuri-jiri throughout the generations. This sword is thought to be a second generation sword as the signature is slightly long and the hammering is strong and angular. The base and the blade are similar to that of a Sekimono sword.

[ Conditions ] There is one spilled blade about 18 cm above the ha-machi.

[ Attachments ] Habaki(silver base, gold plating, single), shirasaya, bag of shirasaya and NBTHK tokubetsu hozon paper 特別保存刀剣鑑定書(issued on 25th August Reiwa 5(2023))

[ Item number ] A021124 [ Price ] JPY 390,000- (shipping and insurance fee are not included in the price)

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