Touken Komachi

Katana, Shirasaya
Oku Izumi-no-kami Tadashige
[ Signature ] omote : 薩摩住 ura : 奥和泉守忠重作
[ Size ] Blade length 68.9 cm (2 shaku 2 sun 7 bu 3 rin), curvature 1.8 cm (5 bu 9 rin), base width 3.23 cm, base tip 0.73 cm, base width 2.22 cm, tip thickness 0.45 cm, one out of two filled hole, blade weight 760.5 g, total shira-saya length 96 cm
[ Period ] Edo, middle of.
[ Province ] Satsuma

[ Feature ]
Form : Shinogi-zukuri. Iori-mune. Mihaba is rather wide. Kasane is ordinal. Moderate sori attached. Chu-kissaki form.
Nakago : Yasurime are o-suji-kai and kesho. Saki is kengyo. One hole.
Jigane : Itame-hada well grained with some chages. From the below of middle part of blade, o-imtae tone shown. Jinie attached well. Fine chikei appeared. Forging of shinogi-ji shows itame pattern.
Hamon : Gunome-midare. Shallow notare and nie attached. Ashi, kin-sen and sunagashi appeared.
Boushi : It runs in sugu form. It turns sharply. Saki is haki-kake. Nie-suji attached.

[ Highlight ]Oku Izumi-no-kami Tadashige was a Satsuma swordsmith of the mid-Edo period. He was the son of Oku Tadakiyo, and his first signature was ‘Tadashige Naminohira, Taniyama ju’. In his later years, he changed his signature to Hideoki. He died in Kyoho 5 at the age of 63. He was a student of Tsuda Sukehiro. This work is a good-looking piece with a slightly wider body width, an ordinary thickness and curvature, and a medium cutting edge. Itame-hada is well grained, with a flowing, itame grain texture, and the base is thickly nie with fine ground chikei sceneries, making it an outstanding jigane. The wavy blade pattern has a kin-sen and sunagashi with a flow in the alternating pattern, and the nioi is bright and nie is well done. Masakiyo and Yasuyo, also from Satsuma, forged swords at the Shibahama Palace and were allowed by the shogunate to use the hollyhock crest on their signatures. Tadashige was the senior of Masakiyo and Yasushiro, who are considered to be the twin great swords of Satsuma shinto, and is thought to have influenced the swords created by them.

[ Conditions ] Excellent.

[ Attachments ] Habaki (suaka-ji,gold foiled, double), shirasaya,d bag of shirasaya and NBTHK hozon paper 保存刀剣鑑定書(issued on 29th May Heisei 27(2015))

[ Item number ] A030524 [ Price ] JPY 1,700,000 - (shipping and insurance fee are not included in the price)

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