Wakizashi, Shirasaya, Koshirae
[ Signature ] omote : "肥州河内守藤原正広" ura : -
[ Size ] Blade length 53,8cm (1 shaku 7 sun 7 bu 5 rin), sori 1,4cm (4 bu 6 rin), moto-haba 3,07cm, moto-kasane 0,68cm, saki-haba 2,23 cm, saki-kasane 0,45 cm, mekugi-ana(hole) 1 out of 2 filled, blade weight 572g |
[ Period ] Edo, first half of |
[ Province ] Hizen |
[ Feature ]
Form : Shinogi-zukuri. Iori-mune. Mihaba is relatively wide. Kasane is ordinal. Beautiful sori attached. Chû-kissaki extended form.
Nakago : Ubu. Yasurimes are suji-kais. Saki is iri-yama-gata. One hole out of two is filled.
Jigane : Ko-itame-hada. Well grained. Rich and fine jinie attached. Chikei appeared.
Hamon : Chû-suguha. It has shallow notare. Rich nie attached. Kin-sens and sunagashis appeared.
Boushi : It runs in sugu, then turns in ko-maru. Saki has hakikake, turns in long.
黒漆竪刷毛目塗鞘脇指拵 : 小紋散図縁頭・鐺(無銘 銀地)、弓矢図目貫(赤銅地)、紋透図鐔(無銘 鉄地)、十二支図割笄(無銘 銀地)、黒漆塗研出鮫着茶糸諸撮巻柄
Koshirae : Kuro-urushi, tate-hakeme-nuri-zaya wakizashi koshirae. Fuchigashira : Ko-mon-chirashi-zu fuchigashira and kojiri(no signature, silver base). Menuki : Yumi-ya(bow and arrow)-zu. Tsuba : mon-sukashi-zu(no signature, iron base). Wari-kô-gai : jyû-ni-shi(Chinese astrology)-zu(no signature, silver base). Tsuka : Kuri-urushi-nuri togi-dashi same-kise cha(brown)-ito(string) moro-tsumami-maki
Second generation Masahiro was a child of first generation Masahiro. Initially he called Yashirô, then changed to sa-den-jirô. He had his signature Masanaga in the beginning. In "万治三"(Manji 3, 1660), he was accredited to "武蔵大掾"(Musashi daijô), then in "寛文元年"(Kanbun 1, 1661), he was promoted to "武蔵守"(Musashi-no-kami). Then he had his signature "河内守正広"(Kawachi-no-kami Masahiro).
He created many swords not only in mudare-bas but high skilled sugu-"ha"s. Comparing with first generation Masahiro, he had more sugu-ha swords. Huge historical documents had benn handed down by Masahiro family. They are archived at Saga prefectural libraly.
Referenced materials : "日本刀銘鑑"(Nihon-to meikan) by ISHII Masakuni, supervised HONMA Kunzan (Yuzankaku publishing), Heisei 15(2003)
[ Conditions ] There are tiny scratches.
[ Attachments ] Habaki (suaka-ji, silver foil, single), shirasaya, bag of shirasaya, koshirae, bag of koshirae, NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper ( issued on 27th December Heisei 16(2004)) and NBTHK Hozon Tô-sô-gu paper(issued on 1st July Heisei 26(2014))(for koshirae).
[ Item number ] A040617 [ Price ] JPY 450.000 (shipping and insurance fee are not included) |