Touken Komachi

Naginata, Shirasaya, Tsuka
Mumei attributed to Higo-no-kami Teruhiro
[ Signature ] omote : no signature ura : -
[ Size ] Blade length 51.84cm (1 shaku 7 sun 1 bu 1 rin), sori 2,7cm (9 bu 1 rin), moto-haba 3,00cm, moto-kasane 1,80cm, saki-haba 0,28 cm, saki-kasane 0,28 cm, mekugi-ana(holes) 2, blade weight 655g , shirasaya length 99cm
[ Period ] Azuchi-Momoyama to early Edo period, circa Keicho (1596-1615).
[ Province ] Owari- Aki

[ Feature ]
Form : Naginata-zukuri. Iori-mune. Mihaba is rather wide. Kasane is thick. Kashira becomes wide. Deep sori attached.
Nakago : Both on omote and ura (front and back), there are koshi-hi and soe-hi grooves.
Jigane : Ko-itame-hada. Ko-mokumes mixed. Jinie attached. Chikei clearly appeared.
Hamon : Notare base, gunome mixed. Ashi, yo and deep nioi appeared. Ko-nie attached well. Sunagashi appeared.
Boushi : It turns in ko-maru form.

[ Highlight ] Higo-no-kami Teruhiro is said to have been the last descendant of Seki Kanetsune in his native Mino, and his first signature is called Kanetomo 兼友 or Kanetomo 兼伴. The presence of a sword inscribed ' Noshu ju Teruhiro tsukuru' in the 17th year of the Tensho Era (1778), with a high spirit based on a notare patrern, indicates that he called himself Teruhiro while in Mino, and that he had already achieved great success before becoming a student of Umetada Myoju, although it is said that he was a student of Umetada Myoju.He received the title of Higo-no-kami in Keicho 1. He was a master swordsmith under Fukushima Masanori and served as the spearhead of the Eastern Army at the Battle of Sekigahara, moving from Owari Kiyosu to Hiroshima in March Keicho 6 after his lord was transferred to Aki Hiroshima in Keicho 5. After the exile of the Fukushima family, their descendants continued to serve the Asano family of the Hiroshima domain as swordsmiths, and many of them received the title of Harima-no-kami. The swords, tantos, spears, and naginata created by Teruhiro Higo-no-kami are extremely rare, with less than 20 pieces remaining. He is a master craftsman, and some of his swords have been designated Important Art Objects with the signature "Higo-no-kami Fujiwara Teruhiro created swords". This piece shows the Seki-style workmanship of the sword formerly known as Kanetsune and has a beautifully curved blade with a brilliantly forged surface and a well-drawn blade pattern with a ko-nie effect.

[ Conditions ] Excellent.

[ Attachments ] Habaki, shirasaya, bag of shirasaya, tsuka, NBTHK hozon paper 保存刀剣鑑定書(issued on 25th August Reiwa 4(2022)), Tokubetsu kicho paper 特別貴重刀剣認定書 : attributed to Kanesada 伝(兼定)(issued on 25th June Showa 42(1967) and Kantei kofuda 鑑定小札 : Noshu Seki Kanesada 濃州関兼定

[ Item number ] A050624 [ Price ] JPY 450,000- (shipping and insurance fee are not included in the price)

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