Touken Komachi

Katana, Koshirae
Adachi Sadashige
[ Signature ] omote : 南紀龍神住源貞茂作之 ura : 昭和五十二二年己未歳霜月吉日
[ Size ] Blade length 72.1 cm (2 shaku 3 sun 7 bu 9 rin), curvature 1.6 cm (5 bu 2 rin), base width 3.27 cm, base tip 0.69 cm, saki-haba tip width 2.31 cm, tip thickness 0.51 cm, 1 mekugi hole, sword body weight 756 g, total length of koshirae outfit 102 cm
[ Period ] Showa 54(1979)
[ Province ] Wakayama prefecture

[ Feature ]
Form : Shinogi-zukuri. Iori-mune. Mihaba is rather wide. Kasane is ordinal. Moderate sori attached. Chu-kissaki extended form.
Engraving : Both on omote front and ura back, there are bo-hi groove with round shape stop.
Nakago : Ubu. Yasurime are suji-kai and kesho. Saki is kuri-jiri. One hole.
Jigane : Ko-itame-hada well grained. Jinie attached.
Hamon : Chu-sugu-ha blade. Ko-gunome mixed. Ko-ashi and sunagashi appeared. Nie attached.
Boushi : (omote front) it runs in sugu, saki has sharp shape. (ura back) it has notare pattern with o-maru shape. Both sides turn shallowly.

Black lacquered scabbard sword outfit: sword guard with Karakusa design (inlaid in colour on iron), lion design on menuki sword mount (carved in copper), arabesque design on fuchi-gashira sword mount (inlaid in colour on iron).

[ Highlight ]Adachi Sadashige was born in 1958 (Showa 33). His real name is Adachi Shigefumi and he is a modern swordsmith who creates swords in Wakayama Prefecture. He inherited the name Ryujin Taro from his father Sadayuki (Adachi Sadakusu), a master swordsman who learnt to make swords from the age of 15. This work was made in 1979, when Sadakazu was around 21 years old, and was later apprenticed to living national treasure Gassan Sadakazu. The curved form with a barbed gutter scratched into the front and back, ko-itame forged forging with well-worked ko-gunome grain, and the blade is burnished with a medium straight edge that nie with a tightened nioi, and the style is mixed with small alternating blades and small ashi.

[ Conditions ] There is slight minor rust and scabbard rubbing and a small chip at the cutting edge. The raw blade remains. The stem is in excellent condition. The condition of the sheath is also excellent.

[ Attachments ] Silver single-assembly habaki, outfit, and pouch.

[ Item number ] A051224 [ Price ] JPY 550,000- (shipping and insurance fee are not included in the price)

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