Touken Komachi

Wakizashi , Shirasaya
Shinano-no-kami Nobuyoshi
[ Signature ] omote : (chrysanthemum crest )信濃守藤原信吉 ura : 以南蛮鉄作之
[ Size ] Blade length 53.6 cm (1 shaku 7 sun 6 bu 8 rin), sori curvature 1.0 cm (3 bu 3 rin), moto-haba base width 2.80 cm, moto-kasane base tip 0.60 cm, saki-haba tip width 2.00 cm, saki-kasane tip thickness 0.43 cm, mekugi hole 1 piece, blade weight 461.5 g, shira-saya total length 70 cm
[ Period ] Edo, middle of.
[ Province ] Yamashiro

[ Feature ]
Form : Shinogi-zukuri. Iori-mune. Both mihaba and kasane are ordinal. Shallow sori attached. Chu-kissaki form.
Nakago : Ubu. Yasurime are o-suji-kai. Saki is kuri-jiri. One hole.
Jigane : Itame-hada with some changes. Jinie attached.
Hamon : Notare, ko-gunome mixed. Ashi and deep nioi appeared. Ko-nie attached well. Sunagashi appeared.
Boushi : It runs in sugu. It turns in ko-maru form. Saki has rather haki-kake.

[ Highlight ]Shinanomori Nobuyoshi was a swordsmith from Yamashiro in the mid-Edo period and one of the five Kyoto swordsmiths. His signatures include ‘Nobuyoshi Yamashiro’, ‘Takai Nobuyoshi Fujiwara Nobuyoshi, Shinanomori Fujiwara Nobuyoshi, Shinanomori Fujiwara Nobuyoshi’, ‘Shinanomori Minamoto Nobuyoshi’, ‘Takai Shinanomori Nobuyoshi’ and ‘Rakuyo Shinano Minamoto Nobuyoshi Zukiyoshi’. The annals include Shoho 3, Meireki 1 and 2, Manji 2, Kanbun 4, 5, 10 and 12. The Takai Nobuyoshi family continued for several generations, with the son of Nobuyoshi Shinano I receiving the title of Echizen-no-kami and becoming Echizen-no-kami Nobuyoshi, and Nobuyoshi Shinano II living in Abura-no-Koji, Kyoto, and also creating swords in Osaka around Empo era. This sword has a shallow curvature and medium cutting edge with an ordinary body width. The curved form of the base iron has a flowing jigane grain, and the blade has a deep nioi with alternating ko-gunome interlacing and a sunagashi pattern. The blade is sound and of excellent workmanship.

[ Conditions ] Polished, new shira-saya, excellent.

[ Attachments ] Habaki(silver base, gold plating, single), shirasaya, bag of shirasaya and 特NBTHK tokubetsu hozon paper 特別保存刀剣鑑定書(issued on 21st Feb. Reiwa 6(2024))

[ Item number ] A061024 [ Price ] JPY 350,000- (shipping and insurance fee are not included in the price)

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