Wakizashi, Shirasaya
Ômi no kami Hôjôji Tachibana Masahiro
[ Signature ] omote : "近江守法城寺橘正弘" ura : (gold inlay "金象嵌")"寛文六年六月十八日貳ツ胴截断 同年六月廿二日三ツ胴截断 山野加右衛門六十九歳永久"(kaô "花押")
[ Size ] Blade length 52.3cm (1 shaku 7 sun 2 bu 6 rin), sori 1.1cm (3 bu 6 rin), moto-haba 3.23cm, moto-kasane 0.70cm, saki-haba 2.37 cm, saki-kasane 0.52 cm, mekugi-ana(hole) 1, blade weight 618g , shirasaya length 76cm |
[ Period ] Edo, in the middle of |
[ Province ] Musashi |
[ Feature ]
Form : Shinogi-zukuri. Iori-mune. Mihaba is wide. Kasane is relatively wide. There are some differences betweeen moto-haba and saki-haba. Shallow sori attached. Chû-kissaki form.
Nakago : Ubu. Saki is shallow iri-yama-gata. Yasurimes are suji-kais. One hole.
Jigane : Itame-hada. Jinie attached. Fine chikei appeared.
Hamon : Hiro-suguha-tone. Gunomes, ko-gunomes and chô-ji style midare-bas mixed. Ashis and yôs appeared frequently. Deep nioi appeared. Ko-nie attache well. Fins sunagashis appeared. Nioikuchi is so clear.
Boushi : It runs in sugu, then turns in komaru.
[ Highlihgt ]
Hôjôji Masahiro was born in Tanba province. Later, he moved to Edo. He became an originator of Hôjôji school. Later on, they flourished. There were two generations. First generation worked around Jô-ô "承応"(1652-1655) , Manji "万治" (1658-1661) and Kanbun "寛文" (1661-1673). Second generation worked around Enpô "延宝"(1673-1681) and Genroku "元禄"(1688-1704). This sword was created by first generation (Masahiro), considering its signature-writing. On 18th June Kanbun "寛文" 6(1666), it succeeded experimental cutting two bodies laid down in time "貳ツ胴截断", and four days later, on 22nd June, additional threes bodies "三ツ胴截断" in same way. The events were recorded in gold inlay signature. The signature maintains its condition high. This wakizashis has been preserved and valued high as superb cutting edge. It is uncertaion first generation Masahiro's teacher but considering its characteristics, it might have somre relationship with Nagasone Kotetsu. Very healthy, clear nioi-kuchi, it jiba is so excellent.
[ Conditions ]
[ Attachments ] Habaki (suaka-ji, gold foiled(uwagai, upper part), silver foiled (sitagai, lower part), double), shirasaya, bag of shirasaya, Kurashiki Art Sword museum certificate paper (issued on 11th December Heisei 28(2016)), and NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper (issued on 24th March Heisei 29(2017)) |
[ Item number ] A100319 [ Price ] SOLD |