Katana, Shirasaya
Mumei, attributed to Yoshii
[ Signature ] omote : no signature ura : -
[ Size ] Blade length 64.2cm (2 shaku 1 sun 1 bu 8 rin), curvature 1.2cm (3 bu 9 rin), Moto-haba base width 2.93cm, Moto-kasane 0.63cm, Saki-haba tip width 2.12cm, Saki-kasane tip thickness 0.37cm, 3 mekugi holes, blade weight 674g, shira-saya total length 93cm |
[ Period ] Muromachi |
[ Province ] Bizen |
[ Feature ]
Form : Shinogi-zukuri. Iori-mune. Both mihaba and kasane are ordinal. Shallow sori attached. Chu-kissaki extended form.
Nakago : Suri-age. Saki is kiri. Yasurime are katte-sagari. Three holes.
Jigane : Itame-hada with some changes. More or less grained patterns come to be surface.
Hamon : It has a ko-gunome-midare pattern, ki-nie attahced. Kin-sen and sunagashi appeared.
Boushi : It is ko-maru. Saki has haki-kake form.
[ Highlight ] The Yoshii school was a Bizen swordsmithing school that flourished from the end of the Kamakura period through the Nanbokucho period and into the Muromachi period, and created swords in a location opposite Osafune Village across the Yoshii River. Many sword makers lived there, and the blades are characterised by a wavy blade pattern with small gunome marks, which is different in style to the Osafune blades. Those made up to the Nanbokucho period are called ‘Ko-Yoshii’, and those made from the Muromachi period onwards are called ‘Yoshii’. This work has a wavy blade pattern with small gunome marks, kin-sen gold lines and sunagashi, and you can enjoy the typical style of the Yoshii school.
[ Conditions ] There is a slight reduction of the thickness of the blade, and there is a ‘kake-dashi’ (a partly dissappeared boush curve in the blade) from the upper half of the blade to the tip of the blade.
[ Attachments ] Habaki (copper-migaki-ji, single). shirasaya, bag of shirasaya and NBTHK hozon paper 保存刀剣鑑定書(issued on 3rd June Reiwa 4(2022)) |
[ Item number ] A120924 [ Price ] JPY 240,000- (shipping and insurance fee are not included in the price) |