Wakizashi, Koshirae
Yamato no kami Yoshimichi
[ Signature ] omote : "大和守吉道" ura : -
[ Size ] Blade length 54,8cm (1 shaku 8 sun 0 bu 8 rin), sori 1,2cm (3 bu 9 rin), moto-haba 3,13cm, moto-kasane 0,54cm, saki-haba 2,22 cm, saki-kasane 0,48 cm, mekugi-ana(holes) 1, blade weight 565g , shirasaya length 77cm
[ Period ] Edo, early half of |
[ Province ] Settsu |
[ Feature ]
Form : Shinogi-zukuri. Iori-mune. Mihaba is relatively wide. Kasane is ordinal. Shallow sori attached. Chû-kissaki form.
Nakago : Ubu. Yasurimes (omote) suji-kais and keshô (ura) katte-sagari. Saki is iri-yama-gata. One hole.
Jigane : Ko-itame-hada well grained. Jinie attached.
Hamon : Gunome-midare. Chô-jibas mixed. Nie attached well. Ashis, kinsens and tobiyakis appeared.
Boushi : It runs with a little notare. Saki turns in komaru.
Kuroro-iro nuri-zaya wakizashi koshirae "黒蝋色塗鞘脇差拵" : mumon tsuba "無文鐔" (shakudô-ji, otafuku mokko gata), lion shishi-zu menuki "獅子図目貫" (shakudô-ji, katachi-bori), horse uma-zu fuchi-gashira "馬図縁頭"(shakudô-ji ; signature "栄寿" kaô "花押"))
First generation Yamato-no-kami Yoshimichi was second son of Ôsaka Tanba-no-kami Yoshimichi. (He was a child of first generation Kyô Yoshimichi on other study). He was called Mishina Uzaemon. He was good at chû-sugu-ha and gobushi-gata chô-ji. As time stamps nenki Shô-ou 1 "承応元", Kanbun 3 "寛文三", Manji 1, 2, 3 "万治元・二・三", Enpô 2,3 "延宝二・三".
Second generation Yamato-no-kami Yoshimichi called himself initially Mishina Shirobei, Den-emon later. He created swords at Harima, Himeji province as well. Many of his swords have Naka-kawachi style chô-ji-midare hamons, however, there are also his family traditional sudarebas mixed hamons and chôji mixed dôran-ba style hamons.. He worked actively around Manji "万治"(1658-1661) through Kanbun "寛文"(1661-1673).
Referenced materials : Nihon-tô meikan "日本刀銘鑑", ISHII Masakuni, HONMA Kunzan, yuzankaku.inc "雄山閣", Heisei 12(2000)
[ Highlight ] Bright hamons, fist shaped chô-ji mixed on well nie attached gunome-midare hamons. Yasurimes are different each other on omote and ura of nakago.
[ Conditions ] One can preserve and appreciate the sword in current conditions. No kozuka and kôgai attached.
[ Attachments ] Habaki (suaka-ji, silver foiled, single habaki), koshirae (no kozuka nor kôgai), bag of koshirae and NBTHK Hozon paper (issued on 26th August Heisei 28(2016)) |
[ Item number ] A171217 [ Price ] SOLD |